I’ve been so grateful to serve the Keehners as their photographer for several years. Repeat clients are my favorite clients. It’s not just because of my gratitude for their business (although that’s a huge honor) but it’s because the more I get to know people, the better I can serve them. Everyone’s more relaxed and at ease. I have their complete trust that no matter how rambunctious and unwilling to cooperate a two year old may be, I’ll get beautiful images, which significantly eases stress. Everyone ends up having more fun together throughout the session. We spent an hour at The East Fifth Studio in downtown Des Moines. It gets gorgeous afternoon light and it was warm and cozy on a chilly spring day.
Toddlers come in every variety, just like us grown-ups. Marin is the determined and curious type. We kept the session playful, with plenty of breaks to wiggle and run. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve to ensure beautiful photos, no matter how uncooperative a kiddo may be. Kids are always so intrigued by my camera and want to see what all the buttons do. Marin helped me snap photos of her parents toward the end. I adore this family and it’s been such a privilege to watch them grow.